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DE cards 1983 thru 19891982-89
DE cards 1990 & 19911990-91
DE cards 19921992
DE cards 19931993
DE cards 19941994
DE cards 19951995
DE cards 19961996
DE cards 19971997
DE cards 19981998
DE cards 19991999
DE cards 20002000
DE cards 20012001
DE cards 20022002-2004
DE cards 20052005-2024
Promotional & miscellaneous DE cardsPromos & Misc. Cards

Printable checklistDale Earnhardt Checklist
Printable checklistKevin Harvick Checklist
Printable checklistKerry Earnhardt Checklist
Printable checklistJeffrey Earnhardt Checklist

My Dale E Card Want ListDale Earnhardt Wants
My Kevin Harvick Card Want ListKevin Harvick Wants
My Kevin Harvick White Whale #1/1 Card Want ListKevin Harvick White Whale #1/1 Wants
My Kerry Earnhardt Card Want ListKerry Earnhardt Wants
My Jeffrey Earnhardt Card Want ListJeffrey Earnhardt Wants
My Miscellaneous Racing Set WantsMiscellaneous Racing Set Wants
My Non-Racing Cards & Misc. Want ListNon-Racing Cards & Misc. Want List

My Trading StockPage One - Alphabetical Driver's List
My Trading StockPage Two - Miscellaneous Cards & Collectibles List

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My Idol! a tributeMy Idol
The grinch of 2000The Grinch Of 2000
Racing Card Collectors ChecklistRacing Card Collectors (printable) Checklist

red bulletPhotos of Dale
ImagesA Flash Show of Dale Pics

As seen on JAYSKI's Silly Season Page

Thanks for the memories Dale Earnhardt.

Cards on this list are my personal collection and NOT for trade!

I currently only need the cards with red arrowsNEED IT!

Click on the camera click me to see a pic of the card.

This page last updated: June 22, 2004

 1993 AC Racing Foldout - NNO
 1993 AC Racing (spark plug package) - NNO (1 of 5,000)
see the card1993 Action Packed - 88
see the card1993 Action Packed - 89
see the card1993 Action Packed - 94
see the card1993 Action Packed - 95
see the card1993 Action Packed - 120
see the card1993 Action Packed - 121
see the card1993 Action Packed - 122
see the card1993 Action Packed - 123
see the card1993 Action Packed - 124
see the card1993 Action Packed - 125
see the card1993 Action Packed - 126
see the card1993 Action Packed - 127
see the card1993 Action Packed - 138
see the card1993 Action Packed - 139
see the card1993 Action Packed - 171
see the card1993 Action Packed - 198
see the card1993 Action Packed - 202
see the card1993 Action Packed - 207
 1993 Action Packed 24kt Gold - 18GNEED IT!
 1993 Action Packed 24kt Gold - 19G
 1993 Action Packed 24kt Gold - 20G
 1993 Action Packed 24kt Gold - 21GNEED IT!
 1993 Action Packed 24kt Gold - 22G
 1993 Action Packed 24kt Gold - 23GNEED IT!
 1993 Action Packed 24kt Gold - 24GNEED IT!
 1993 Action Packed 24kt Gold - 25G
 1993 Action Packed 24kt Gold - 37G
 1993 Action Packed 24kt Gold - 38G
 1993 Action Packed 24kt Gold - 53G
see the card1993 Card Dynamics Black Top Racing - 4 (#'d of 5000)
 1993 Card Dynamics Double Eagle Post Card - 3 (#'d of 500)
 1993 Card Dynamics Gant Oil - 8 (#'d of 7500)
 1993 Card Dynamics Quick Chek - 8 (#'d of 7000)
see the card1993 Dayco Series 2 Rusty Wallace - 12
see the card1993 Finish Line Racing Club Collectible - RCC8
see the card1993 Hi-Tech Tire Test - 1
see the card1993 Hi-Tech Tire Test - 10
see the card1993 Maxx - 3
see the card1993 Maxx - 56
see the card1993 Maxx - 274
 1993 Maxx Premier Series - 3
 1993 Maxx Premier Series - 56
 1993 Maxx Premier Series -274
see the card1993 Maxx Premier Plus - 3
see the card1993 Maxx Premier Plus - 56
see the card1993 Maxx Premier Plus - 189
see the card1993 Maxx Premier Plus Jumbo (1 of 80,000) - NNO
 1993 Maxx Texaco Davey Allison - 8 (The Winston Lineup)
see the card1993 Maxx The Winston - 1
see the card1993 Maxx The Winston - 21
see the card1993 Maxx The Winston - 45
see the card1993 Maxx The Winston - 48
see the card1993 Maxx The Winston - 49
see the card1993 Maxx The Winston - 50
see the card1993 Maxx The Winston - 51
see the card1993 Traks - 15
 1993 Traks - 43 (Goodwrench 500)
 1993 Traks - 77 (Miller 400)
 1993 Traks - 132 (Motorcraft 500)
see the card1993 Traks First Run - 15
 1993 Traks First Run - 43 (Goodwrench 500)
 1993 Traks First Run - 77 (Miller 400)
 1993 Traks First Run - 132 (Motorcraft 500)
see the card1993 Wheels Mom n Pop's Dale Earnhardt '93 Victory Series - 1
see the card1993 Wheels Mom n Pop's Dale Earnhardt '93 Victory Series - 2
see the card1993 Wheels Mom n Pop's Dale Earnhardt '93 Victory Series - 3
see the card1993 Wheels Mom n Pop's Dale Earnhardt '93 Victory Series - 4
see the card1993 Wheels Mom n Pop's Dale Earnhardt '93 Victory Series - 5
see the card1993 Wheels Mom n Pop's Dale Earnhardt '93 Victory Series - 6
 1993 Wheels Mom n Pop's Dale Earnhardt '93 Victory Series Ad/Coupon

Click HERE to see my trading stock


Earnhardt Legal Stuff: The name, likeness, and signature of Dale Earnhardt are owned and copyrighted by Dale Earnhardt Inc. All images of cards are copyright by the various card companies. I am no way affiliated with DEI or any card company.
This is an unofficial site. I am making no money off of this website. If I am doing something illegal, please let me know

Sorry, but a Javascript-enabled browser is required to email me.

so I can fix it and not get thrown in the slammer!

HOME | 1982-1989 | 1990-1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002-2004 | 2005-2024 | Promos & Misc.

Dale #3, forever in our hearts!
2023, Les Racing's Complete Dale Earnhardt Card List
Born on August 9, 1999
Reborn on February 23, 2001